Current Record

BOFC Legal & Special Notices (Public)

Notification of Meeting Time Change

Board Meeting Schedule for 2024

2024 Final Budget

2024 Proposed Budget

Notice of Budget Hearing for 2024 Budget

BOFC Meeting Minutes (Public)

2024_06-06 Minutes

2024_05-16 Minutes

2024_05-02 Minutes

2024_04-18 Minutes

2024_03-21 Minutes

2024_03-07 Minutes

2024_02-01 Minutes

2024_01-25 Minutes

2024_01-04 Minutes

12-2023 Minutes

11-2023 Minutes

10-2023 Minutes

10-2023 Budget Meeting Minutes

09-2023 Minutes

08-2023 Minutes

07-2023 Minutes

06-2023 Minutes

04-2023 Minutes

03-2023 Minutes

02-2023 Abstracts

02-2023 Minutes

01-2023_Abstract 2

01-2023_Abstract 52

01-2023_Abstract 52C and 52D


12-2022 Abstract 50B

12-2022 Minutes

12-2022_Abstract48 and 50