Hurricane Information

Hurricane Preperation Tips

The hurricane season is now underway, and forecasters are warning of possible ferocious storms again this year.

The Point Lookout-Lido Fire Department urges all residents to prepare now, just in case.

The American Red Cross urges you to assemble a Disaster Supplies Kit including the following items: 

  • First aid kit with essential medications
  • Canned food and a manual can opener
  • At least 3 gallons of water per household member
  • Protective clothing, rainwear and bedding or sleeping bags
  • Battery powered radio, flashlight and extra batteries
  • Special items for infants, elderly or disabled family members
  • Written instructions on how to turn off electricity, gas and water if authorities advise you to do so. (Remember, you will need a professional to turn them back on).
  • Prepare a hurricane evacuation route, if authorities order you to evacuate

For more Hurricane Preparation information, please visit the

American Red Cross of Greater New York 

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

Nassau County Office of Emergency Management

Click here to check out the Nassau County Hurricane Safety Video